Wednesday, November 9, 2016


What do you know about

Geography is the one of the oldest earth science and its roots date back in the works of the early Greek scholars. The word 'geography' was the first used by the Greek scholar Eratosthenes in the third century B.C.

Geo "Earth" and Graphy "to describe" literal meaning of geography is to describe about earth's surfaces. In other words "Geography is largely the study of the interaction of all physical and human and natural activities occur and how these activities are interconnected.

Geography has undergone changes in its approach. The earlier geographers were descriptive geographers. Later, geography came to be developed as an analytical science. Today the discipline is not only concerned with description but also with analysis as well as prediction

In our website you will know how important geography is in our life. This study will encourage you to understand your own place and spaces with greater interest.

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